Eerste Aanmaning Engels: voorbeeld
Company name
Company Department
Street address
Postal code
Subject: First reminder
Customer number: [XXXXXX|
Location, date,
Dear Sir, Madam,
We would call your attention to the below referenced overdue account showing invoice(s), past our “payment terms” for which we are still awaiting payment.
Invoice number | Invoice date | Amount open | Days overdue
Payment should be made to IBAN [your IBAN] on behalf of [your company name] at [your place of business] quoting the above-mentioned invoice number(s).
If you have any query preventing settlement of the account, please do not hesitate to contact me.
If payment of the above has been made within the last few days, please ignore this reminder and accept our apologies.
We thank you for your business and would appreciate a quick response.
Kind Regards,
Sender’s name
Company address
Postal code and city
Phone number
E-mail address
Vereisten aanmaning internationale betalingen
Moet een betaling vanuit het buitenland plaatsvinden? Vermeld dan ook de SEPA- en/of SWIFT-code van het bankrekeningnummer. Het belangrijkste verschil tussen SWIFT en SEPA is de geografische reikwijdte. SWIFT ondersteunt internationale overboekingen in verschillende valuta over de hele wereld, terwijl SEPA alleen geldoverboekingen in euro mogelijk maakt in landen die lid zijn van de SEPA-zone.